Fauquier Aero Recreation Modelers

Bealeton, Virginia

AMA Club #1654

An AMA 'Gold Leader' Radio Control Flying Club

FARM Logo FRIA Banner

About FARM Club

Welcome! We are happy to have your interest as a potential new member to FARM club. The FARM club is located in Bealeton, Virginia. The FARM membership year is from January 1 through December 31. FARM initiation and membership dues are used to finance the cost of maintaining flying sites, for publishing and distributing a monthly newsletter to each member and to other interested parties, to buy prizes awarded at club events, and for other Board approved expenses.

FARM members are required to maintain active membership in the ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS (AMA). AMA applications are available through FARM club officers, at hobby shops, and in the AMA magazine MODEL AVIATION. AMA provides national level model representation for international model competitions, national competitions each year, representation for radio frequency allocations from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and most importantly, THE LIABILITY INSURANCE PROGRAM for clubs and fliers.

FARM Club Meetings

FARM club meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7:00p.m. via Zoom. During the summer months of June, July, and August the meetings are at 7:00p.m. at the club field (Rhynald's Landing).


Qualified FARM club instructors provide training at no charge for beginners and for those wishing to achieve more advanced skills.


FARM Club membership is available by mail or at monthly meetings. Complete and print out the Membership Application Form and either mail it to the address shown on the form or bring it with you to one of our monthly meetings. Don't forget the appropriate fees and remember that proof of current membership in the AMA is required.