Fauquier Aero Recreation Modelers

Bealeton, Virginia

AMA Club #1654

An AMA 'Gold Leader' Radio Control Flying Club

FARM Logo FRIA Banner
FARM Field

The next FARM Meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 25th

at 7:00pm via ZOOM

The January FARM club newsletter is now on-line!

  • 3d Printing Interest Group: Jim Restel will be leading/coordinating the CMB 3D Printing Interest Group. Jim’s focus will be, of course, RC Model Aircraft and hopes to have community participation from CMB and F.A.R.M. Club members. The group will meet monthly initially, at the Culpeper County Library. Contact Jim for the schedule and other details. (540) 718-6617
  • The FARM Charity Float Fly #2 @ Lake Ritchie benefiting the Fauquier Community Food Bank was held on Saturday, Sep 21st, accompanied by perfect weather! We had a large number of float planes and boats of every description and we even had a majestic battleship join us. It was an absolutely great day! (photos courtesy of Dave Rothbart)
    For more pictures of the 2024 Float Fly checkout Fall Float Fly 2024 in the Photo Album section
  • Jay Z has provided an update to his article on "Firmware Update & Factory Reset for your Spektrum AR630 series BNF or off-the-shelf receivers". Be sure to check it out!
  • It was reported by our Roving Reporter (Dave R.) that we had a FARM Club Parking Violation at the FARM Club Day & Fun Fly #1 event. We had a great time at our 1st fun fly of the season despite the wind! Lunch was cooked by Bill T. Thanks Bill!!
  • The following pictures recount the thrills and chills of launching a sailboat at the breezy FARM Club Charity Fall Float Fly. The 1st picture shows Jack C. and his pristine sailboat. The 2nd shows Jack and his hook to try and find his sunken boat. The 3rd shows Jack and Ralph trolling without success. The 4th shows a grateful Jack having recovered his sailboat from the deep! (photos courtesy of Dave Rothbart)
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  • From Nic B: The FARM Club held their first of two 2023 Float Fly charity events in Bealeton, Virginia on 17 June.
    Twenty-two stalwart junior and senior AMA members participants braved sunshine, smoke haze, and 15-18 mph winds to proudly pilot their float planes, amphibians, speed boats, tug boats, and scale destroyers on and from Lake Ritchie.
    The scale USS John S. McCain (DDG-56) Arliegh Burk-class destroyer braved the, at times, scale sea state 3 conditions for several forays on the lake.
    While the McCain was on one of its missions, FARM’s recovery boat Captain, Ralph Graul, took time out to fly his float plane to scout for the McCain.
    All in all, it was a successful day for pilots, boat Captains, and the Fauquier County Community Food Bank.
    Thanks, Nic!
  • Jay Z has worked with the FARM club merchandise seller and we now have a new dedicated Club Merchandise site. We can even pay online! Check it out! (thanks, Jay)
  • FARM Club Day & Fun Fly #2 was held on Sunday May 7th at the club field with a strong turn out of members. CD was Dave Rothbart
  • We now have Farm Club stickers available for sale on a per order basis. Use the Club Merchandise page to check them out!. If you need more detailed info, contact Jay Z. directly.
  • Well, it's that time of year, again! The FARM 'Mowing Crew' is preparing our mowers and equipment for the onslaught of the 2023 grass growing season. The boys tuned up the Scag in preparation for another season of mowing. Many thanks to Ralph, Charlie and Paul. Not in the picture (but providing moral support), is Dave. Lunch provided by Nic.
  • All FARM Club members: Spring is here and just the right time to get some new club merchandise. Perhaps a couple of new tee shirts or a new club hat! We always want to look our best at the field! Club member Jay Zompanti (Jay Z) is ready and waiting to receive the new orders. Click on over to the Club Merchandise page and see what strikes your fancy!
  • From Nic B: Ralph G. mowed and rolled the field this morning (before the wind picked up)! The field looks great and ready for flying! Thanks, Ralph!
  • From Nic B: After submitting our annual report for 2022, AMA has again designated FARM Club as a Gold Leader Club for 2023.
  • The following pictures are of students from Thomas Jefferson High School UAV club preparing their plane for another test flight by Don S on Saturday, 29 January 2023. For more complete info on the club, and it's activities, checkout this additional info.
  • See you at the field...