Fauquier Aero Recreation Modelers

Bealeton, Virginia

AMA Club #1654

An AMA 'Gold Leader' Radio Control Flying Club

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Charlie Koustenis's Latest Projects

P47 Razorback

Razorback #1 (2016)
Razorback #2 (2016)
Razorback #3 (2016)

This latest project started life as a Top Flite P47 almost ready to cover ARF, it's a bubble canopy model and I wanted a Razorback. I cut the dorsal fin off and installed a fiberglass part made by a after market company to convert to a razorback, it's glassed on and I used a canopy from a Top Flite kit. It's glassed with 3/4 oz glass and painted with latex house paint and clear coated after the graphics were installed. It has a DA-60 engine with Sierra retracts, HiTec servos and flown with a Futaba 14MZ. The best warbird I have ever flown. Hope you enjoy the photos.

F4U Corsair

Corsair #1 (2013)
Corsair #2 (2013)
Corsair #3 (2013)

It's a Byron kit, painted with latex paint and clear coated with automotive clear. The engine is a Evolution 7 cyl radial. the wing span is 86 inches weights 31 pounds and flys great.

OV-10 Bronco

Bronco #1 (2007)
Bronco #2 (2007)
Bronco #4 (2007)

The OV10 was built from an American Eagle short kit that's fiberglass and sheeted foam that has been glassed. Paint is automotive base coat/ clear coat - wing span is 84 inches and is powered by O.S. 91 4strokes; spring air retracts and Futaba RX. It weights 28 pounds and flys like a trainer with no bad habits.